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Issue 18(3)
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On 21 July 2022, the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos) announced that it would discontinue 12 of its postgraduate programs, including the Postraduate Program in Biology (PPG Biologia Unisinos). Implemented in 2000, PPG Biologia Unisinos focused on Diversity and Wildlife Management and had 13 fully equipped research laboratories led by highly qualified researchers. and made outstanding contributions to biological research in the Neotropical region.
This special issue comes as a homage to all professors and students that developed their research and careers as part of PPG Biologia. We invite manuscripts focused on the Neotropical region that have been conducted by the research teams of PPG Biologia Unisinos or were only possible due to their help, either directly as participants of the studies or indirectly by allowing access to the Institution’s facilities and collections.
All articles published in this special issue will be free of charge.
The submission deadline has been extended to 14 March 2023.
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