Short Communication |
Corresponding author: Alexander Tamanini Mônico ( ) Academic editor: Ana Maria Leal-Zanchet
© 2019 Alexander Tamanini Mônico, Thiago Silva-Soares, Esteban Diego Koch.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Mônico AT, Silva-Soares T, Koch ED (2019) Malformation in three anuran species from a preserved remnant of Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 14(2): 213-220.
Records of malformation in amphibians have significantly increased on a global scale. The main causes of malformations are linked to environmental contaminants, and records in preserved environments are uncommon. We reported malformations in three anuran species belonging to three families: Crossodactylus timbuhy (Hylodidae), Proceratophrys schirchi (Odontophrynidae) and Thoropa miliaris (Cycloramphidae). All records were found within the Reserva Biológica Augusto Ruschi, a well-preserved protected remnant of Atlantic rainforest located in the mountains of the state of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. The malformations detected were hemimelia (long bone shortened) with ectrodactyly (digit absent) and brachydactyly (digit shortened) in C. timbuhy, microphtalmia (small eye) in P. schirchi and ectrodactyly in T. miliaris. Further studies are recommended to enable a better understanding about the incidence and causes of malformations within preserved areas.
Registros sobre malformações em anfíbios têm aumentado significativamente em escala global. Os principais agentes causadores de malformações estão ligados à contaminação ambiental, sendo pouco comuns registros em áreas naturais preservadas. Reportamos malformações em três espécies de anfíbios anuros pertencentes a três diferentes famílias: Crossodactylus timbuhy (Hylodidae), Proceratophrys schirchi (Odontophrynidae) e Thoropa miliaris (Cycloramphidae). Todos os registros foram realizados no interior da Reserva Biológica Augusto Ruschi, uma área de Mata Atlântica bem preservada nas montanhas do Estado do Espírito Santo, sudeste do Brasil. As malformações detectadas foram hemimelia (redução de ossos longos) com ectrodactilia (ausência de dígitos) e braquidactilia (redução de dígitos) em C. timbuhy, microftalmia (redução do olho) em P. schirchi e ectrodactilia em T. miliaris. Recomendamos estudos adicionais para a compreensão da incidência e causas de malformações em ambientes preservados.
amphibian, brachydactyly, conservation, ectrodactyly, hemimelia, microphthalmia, protected area
anfíbios, braquidactilia, conservação, ectrodactilia, hemimelia, microftalmia, unidade de conservação
Malformations in anurans are not a recent development in herpetology, since the first register was in 1554 (
The specimens were found in 2018 between January and February during nocturnal surveys at Reserva Biológica Augusto Ruschi (Rebio AR; 19.9061S, 40.5622W, WGS 84; 786 m a.s.l.), municipality of Santa Teresa, state of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. The remnant is a protected area that comprehends well-preserved forests surrounded by agricultural lands, mainly crops of coffee, banana and Eucalyptus spp. In these agricultural lands there is an extensive use of agrochemicals (
On 13 January 2018, we found the first specimen, a juvenile individual of Proceratophrys schirchi (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937) (voucher number: MBML 11149; SVL = 19.6 mm) with a small right eye, which we recognized as microphthalmia, and a normal left eye (Fig.
The second malformed individual was a metamorphosing froglet of Crossodactylus timbuhy Pimenta et al. 2014. This anuran (MBML 11196; SVL = 11.2 mm) was collected on 17 January 2018 on a rocky outcrop close to a stream, and a careful examination exposed a case of hemimelia with ectrodactyly and brachydactyly in the left hindlimb, i.e., shortening of tibiafibula and tibia and fibula (hemimelia), only two digits (ectrodactyly), and all of them were short (brachydactyly) (Fig.
Finally, we found an adult male of Thoropa miliaris (Spix, 1824) (MBML 11269; SVL= 59.1 mm) in a roadway on 4 February 2018. The individual was alive, but lethargic with scars probably caused by having been run over. The anuran had malformation in the right forelimb, confirmed by absence of scars or injuries on this member (Fig.
A previous report presented a case of morphological malformation of an adult of Itapothyla langsdorffii (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) (Hylidae) in Rebio AR, the same protected area of this study (
The Reserva Biológica Augusto Ruschi embraces several small rivers and streams with sigmoidal forms that cross all the reserve and adjacent lands (
We thank Gabrielly B Tolentino, Kemilly BS Paula and Tatiane M Carmo for their help in fieldwork. We thank the reviewers for their comments. Instituto Nacional da Mata Atlântica and Bromeligenous Project provided technical support. AT Mônico thanks Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq grant: 304374/2016-4) for financial support and resources. Instituto Chico Mendes da Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio) provided permits (50.402-5). TSS gratefully acknowledges a grant from FAPES/VALE/FAPERJ No. 01/2015, process number 527/2016. This work is part of the project ‘Herpeto Capixaba: for the knowledge and conservation of amphibians and reptiles of Espírito Santo’.