Research Article |
Corresponding author: Eduardo R. Alexandrino ( ) Academic editor: Ana Maria Leal-Zanchet
© 2019 Eduardo R. Alexandrino, Evan R. Buechley, Yuri A. Forte, Carla C. Cassiano, Katia M. P. M. B. Ferraz, Silvio F. B. Ferraz, Hilton T. Z. Couto, Cagan H. Sekercioglu.
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Alexandrino ER, Buechley ER, Forte YA, Cassiano CC, Ferraz KMPMB, Ferraz SFB, Couto HTZ, Sekercioglu CH (2019) Highly disparate bird assemblages in sugarcane and pastures: implications for bird conservation in agricultural landscapes. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 14(2): 169-194.
Sugarcane and cattle pastures are two of the most widespread and economically important agricultural landscapes. However, in Brazil, they have not been properly investigated for their importance to native birds and wildlife conservation. Thus, we aim to characterize and compare bird assemblages of sugarcane and cattle pastures; and understand how landscape features within both habitats influence bird assemblages. We surveyed birds in both agricultural habitats over one year, and then investigated the relationship between species richness and composition with landscape diversity, matrix permeability, and the size and distribution of natural forests close to both habitats. We observed 132 species in cattle pastures and only 72 in sugarcane (48% bird community similarity). We further evaluated the richness and relative abundance of avian ecological groups, including habitat specialists and habitat generalists, insectivores, omnivores, granivores and frugivores. All avian groups were higher in pastures, the habitat where landscape heterogeneity and number of scattered trees was higher. Our results show that overall increasing landscape heterogeneity favors an assemblage with higher richness and composed by species with more diverse ecological functions. Therefore, we argue in favor of management practices that incorporate heterogeneity in agricultural landscapes, mainly in sugarcane fields where a homogeneous scheme has been used. Otherwise, the potential of agricultural landscapes for bird conservation will be highly hindered, particularly if the sugarcane sector expands to other agricultural lands.
Cana-de-açúcar e pastagens para a pecuária são os dois usos de solo mais presentes em paisagens agrícolas e conferem uma elevada importância econômica ao país, porém, no Brasil ambas ainda foram pouco investigadas quanto à sua importância para a fauna nativa e sua conservação. Assim, objetivamos: (1) caracterizar e comparar as assembleias de aves ocorrentes em áreas de canaviais e pastagens; e (2) compreender quais características da paisagem dentro de cada um destes habitat agrícolas influenciam as assembleias de aves. Para isso, nós amostramos populações de aves em ambos os habitat por um ano e então analisamos a relação existente entre riqueza e composição das aves com a diversidade da paisagem, a permeabilidade da matriz agrícola, e o tamanho e distribuição dos fragmentos florestais próximos. No total, 132 espécies foram observadas em pastagens e 72 foram observadas nos canaviais (48% de similaridade entre as comunidades). Após, investigamos a riqueza e abundância relativa de diferentes grupos funcionais de aves, incluindo espécies especialistas e generalistas de habitats, espécies insetívoras, onívoras, granívoras e frugívoras. Todos estes grupos apresentaram maior riqueza e abundância nas áreas de pastagens, habitat que apresentou maior heterogeneidade da paisagem e número de árvores isoladas. Embora alguns grupos funcionais não tenham apresentado relações contundentes com as variáveis da paisagem, nossos resultados mostraram que, de maneira geral, o aumento da heterogeneidade na paisagem favorece a ocorrência de uma assembleia mais rica e composta por espécies com grande variedade de funções ecológicas. Portanto, encorajamos que práticas de manejo que favoreçam uma maior heterogeneidade sejam adotadas nas paisagens agrícolas, principalmente no caso das áreas de cana-de-açúcar, aonde uma esquematização de paisagem homogênea tem sido utilizada. Caso contrário, o potencial das paisagens agrícolas para a conservação de aves será bastante prejudicado, principalmente num futuro próximo, já que o setor canavieiro pretende se expandir devido à demanda global por biocombustíveis.
Agricultural impacts, biofuel, dairy production, land sharing, land sparing, scattered trees, sugarcane expansion
Biocombustíveis, compartilhamento de terras, conservação na agricultura, expansão canavieira, impactos da agricultura, ornitologia, pecuária, poupança de terras
Croplands cover around 12% of the world’s terrestrial area (
Because of the variety of ecological functions performed by birds, they are considered a good indicator of overall biodiversity in agricultural landscapes (
Although birds have been surveyed in various agricultural crops worldwide (e.g.,
Sugarcane was introduced to Brazil from India in the 16th century to help meet sugar demand in Europe (
In comparison, Brazilian cattle pasture fields are composed of tropical grasses (e.g., signal grass - Urochloa decumbens, elephant grass - Cenchrus purpureusand Guinea grass - Megathyrsus maximus) used for beef and dairy cattle forage. Cattle ranching has occurred in Brazil since the 16th century (see
Recent research in this region has shown that there is a similar bird species composition in small forest reserves that are located within sugarcane and cattle pastures matrices (
Our study was carried out in the Corumbataí River Basin, in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil (22°04'46"/ 22°41'28"S and 47°26'23"/ 47°56'15"W) (Fig.
(A) Location of the Corumbatai River Basin in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The river basin figure shows the main land use types (
Sugarcane in the southern river basin is destined for ethanol and sugar production in nearby plants (
Our fieldwork was performed in five focal landscapes, which have been used in previous studies (
We selected four bird survey plots in sugarcane plantations from the focal landscapes in the south and four in pastures from the focal landscapes in the north (Fig.
We sampled birds at survey plots, which were composed of two point counts located 200 m from each other and a line transect between them (Fig.
Landscape structure was derived from a 2008 high resolution land use map composed of 13 land use classes and covering 35 km2, which included each focal landscape (see Fig.
Land use classes identified through aerial imagery of each focal landscape (Corumbataí River Basin, state of São Paulo, Brazil) and a brief description of each one. The first twelve classes were identified from a CBERS image, while scattered trees were identified using an extra high resolution aerial image (1:25.000 scale). These classes were used to build our land use map from which we obtained our landscape metrics (see Suppl. material
Land use class | Description |
Sugarcane | Annual crop with high biomass accumulation. Comprises the sugarcane matrix |
Pasture | Fields composed of tropical grasses. Comprises the pasture matrix |
Native forest | Composed of primary and secondary forest |
Young-regenerating native forests | Abandoned pasture with shrub and herbaceous vegetation |
Forestry | Mainly composed of Eucalyptus plantations |
Abandoned forestry | Eucalyptus plantations with recovered native vegetation understory |
Rural buildings | Farmhouse and rural facilities as barns, stables, warehouses etc. |
Bare soil | Any terrain without vegetation that was not used for crops during the bird survey |
Citriculture | Mainly composed of orange plantations |
Watercourse | Rivers, streams, lakes |
Urban area | Areas with urban elements (i.e., buildings, streets) recognized |
Others | Any other land-use not identified as above |
Scattered trees | Any tree found outside of native forest, and ‘non-matrix land use type’ |
Bird community composition and abundance in agricultural landscapes has been shown to be dependent on environmental features nearby (e.g.,
Using Fragstat 4.2, we calculated landscape structures that describe the environmental features that could facilitate movement of birds with distinct behaviors and habit preferences through the agricultural landscape. These were: Effective Mesh Size of pasture, sugarcane and native forest (i.e., this metric represents the distribution and size of each land use); Shannon´s Diversity Index (i.e., this metric represents the landscape heterogeneity); and Contagion Index promoted by scattered trees (i.e., metric that represent the permeability of the agricultural landscape. Thus, hereafter all mention of ‘permeability’ is about this index). See Suppl. material
We used rarefaction curves for each bird survey plots to calculate the increase in species richness throughout the samples (e.g.,
We classified each bird species based on ecological characteristics, including usual habitat of occurrence (i.e., F – forest, NF – non-forest, F-NF – species able to occur in forest and non-forest habits, A – aquatic, F-A – forest and aquatic, NF-A – non-forest and aquatic, and A-F-NF - aquatic, forest and non-forest) and foraging guild (i.e., insectivores, omnivores, granivores, frugivores, carnivores, nectarives, piscivores, scavengers and herbivores), following criteria used in
We checked assemblage composition similarity between each bird survey plot using cluster analysis and the average linkage method (
We used non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) (
We also used generalized linear models (
Generalized linear models tested for assemblage richness and each bird ecological groups (dependent variables), obtained in eight bird survey plots in sugarcane and cattle pastures matrices (see methods). Each dependent variable was run in function of each model listed. 1 PAI – Punctual Abundance Index, it is a measurement of relative abundance (
Dependent variables1 | Model 2 | |
- Assemblage species richness | In function of: | Shdi 600 m |
- PAI of Forest species | Sca.trees 600 m | |
- PAI of Non-forest species | Forest 600 m | |
- PAI of Forest/ non-forest species | Pasture 600 m | |
- PAI of Insectivorous | Sugarcane 600 m | |
- PAI of Omnivorous | Shdi 600 m+ Sca.trees 600 m | |
- PAI of Granivorous | Shdi 600 m+ Forest 600 m | |
- PAI of Frugivorous | Sca.trees 600 m+ Forest 600 m | |
Shdi 600 m+ Sca.trees 600 m+Forest 600 m | ||
Shdi 1000 m | ||
Sca.trees 1000 m | ||
Forest 1000 m | ||
Pasture 1000 m | ||
Sugarcane 1000 m | ||
Shdi 1000 m+ Sca.trees 1000 m | ||
Shdi 1000 m+ Forest 1000 m | ||
Sca.trees 1000 m+ Forest 1000 m | ||
Shdi 1000 m+Sca.trees 1000 m+Forest 1000 m |
We identified 137 bird species of 44 families in our bird survey plots, based on 3,501 individual contacts (single birds or groups). We observed 132 bird species in pastures, and 72 species in sugarcane fields. Similarly, we had 2,522 contacts in pasture and 967 in sugarcane. All survey plots in pasture had species richness values higher than those in sugarcane (Fig.
Cluster analysis based on the bird composition observed in eight bird survey plots (left dendrogram) in sugarcane and cattle pastures. Closest branches on dendrogram are more similar. Species richness observed in each bird survey plot is in black bars and value in regular text (right graph). Richness estimation by bootstrap is represented by dashed bars and values in italic. SC means sugarcane matrix, and P means pasture matrix.
Observed species richness (left figure) and relative abundance through Punctual Abundance Index – PAI (right figure) of species belonging to each usual habitat of occurrence (light gray) and foraging guild (dark gray) in sugarcane and pasture bird survey plots. Abbreviations following the top-down order of appearance in the figure: NF-A – species able to occur in non-forest and aquatic habitat, F-A – species able to occur in forest and aquatic habitats, A – aquatic, F – forest, F-NF – species able to occur in forest and non-forest habitats, NF – non-forest; HER – herbivorous, SCA - scavengers, PIS - piscivorous, NEC - nectarivous, FRU – frugivorous, CAR - carnivorous, GRA - granivorous, OMN -omnivores, INS – insectivorous.
Although non-forest species were the most observed group (45 species, representing 32.1% of total), forest species (28 species, 20.4% of the total) and species able to occur in both forest and non-forest habitats (33 species, 24% of total) also contributed significantly to the species richness in both crops. Species favoring other habitats accounted for 22.6% of observed species (i.e., aquatic = 15 species, non-forest-aquatic = 10 species, forest-aquatic = 6 species) (Fig.
Insectivores, omnivores and granivores were the foraging guilds most observed (Fig.
More than 63% of the variability in environmental features was explained by two main dimensions: dimension 1 represents landscape composition and the spatial distribution of patches and scattered trees, and dimension 2 represents landscape diversity (Table
Proportion of variance represented by two final dimensions obtained by non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) of bird assemblages of sugarcane and cattle pastures. Landscape metrics values are the coordinates used in the NMDS graph. Fitting – values of fitting on NMDS.
Dimensions | ||||
Variance represented (r2): | I | II | ||
Increment | 0.375 | 0.260 | ||
Cumulative | 0.375 | 0.636 | ||
Variables coordinates and correlation with NMDS axis: | Fitting | |||
r2 | P | |||
Landscape diversity at 600 m (Shdi 600 m) | 0.245 | -0.969 | 0.090 | 0.783 |
Landscape diversity at 1000 m (Shdi 1000 m) | 0.263 | -0.964 | 0.214 | 0.551 |
Effective mesh size of pasture at 600 m (Pasture 600 m) | 0.996 | -0.084 | 0.753 | 0.095 |
Effective mesh size of pasture at 1000 m (Pasture 1000 m) | 0.999 | 0.022 | 0.584 | 0.096 |
Effective mesh size of native forest at 600 m (Forest 600 m) | -0.992 | -0.124 | 0.075 | 0.813 |
Effective mesh size of native forest at 1000 m (Forest 1000 m) | -0.997 | -0.070 | 0.188 | 0.572 |
Effective mesh size of sugarcane at 600 m (Sugarcane 600 m) | -0.993 | 0.115 | 0.663 | 0.085 |
Effective mesh size of sugarcane at 1000 m (Sugarcane 1000 m) | -0.987 | 0.160 | 0.470 | 0.21 |
Permeability exerted by scattered trees at 600 m (Sca.trees 600 m) | 0.980 | -0.195 | 0.540 | 0.142 |
Permeability exerted by scattered trees at 1000 m (Sca.trees 1000 m) | 0.990 | 0.139 | 0.639 | 0.083 |
Non-metric multidimensional scaling representing the ordination of the bird survey plots (squares) as a function of the abundances of each species observed in bird assemblages of sugarcane and cattle pastures (black dots) (stress=0.032). Dark gray squares are survey plots in pasture and light gray squares are sugarcane plots. The initials next to the squares are the survey plot name. Environmental features are represented in red arrows: Div1 – Landscape diversity at 1000 m radius; Div 6 - Landscape diversity at 600 m radius, Sct1 - Permeability exerted by scattered trees at 1000 m, Sct6 - Permeability exerted by scattered trees at 600 m, For1 - Effective mesh size of native forest at 1000 m, For6 - Effective mesh size of native forest at 600 m, Suc1 - Effective mesh size of sugarcane at 1000 m, Suc6 - Effective mesh size of sugarcane at 600 m, Pas1-Effective mesh size of pasture at 1000 m, Pas6 - Effective mesh size of pasture at 600 m; Sct1 - permeability exerted by scattered trees at 1000 m, Sct6 - permeability exerted by scattered trees at 600 m. The graphs “b” to “h” highlight the species in the NMDS graph “a”, but in ecological groups. Forest-non-forest means species able to occur in forest and non-forest habitats. The overlapped black dots are followed by a short description of how many species are in the same multidimensional space.
We found valid models (ΔAIC < 2) for the following dependent variables: assemblage richness, relative abundance of species able to occur in both habitats (i.e., forest-non-forest species), relative abundance of frugivores, and relative abundance of omnivores. We can assume that the variations of these dependent variables were explained by the variation of the tested landscape structures (Table
Plausible models obtained for assemblage richness and each bird ecological groups (dependent variables) obtained in eight bird survey plots in sugarcane and cattle pastures matrices (see methods). See results obtained for all tested models in Suppl. material
Dependent variables | Model 1 | AICc 2 | ΔAIC 3 | w 4 |
Assemblage species richness | Sca.trees 600 m | 77.39 | 0.00 | 0.50 |
Shdi 1000 + Forest 1000 m | 78.92 | 1.53 | 0.23 | |
Relative abundance (PAI) of: | ||||
Non-forest species | Null | 47.98 | 0.00 | 0.51 |
Sca.trees 1000 m | 49.29 | 1.31 | 0.27 | |
Sca.trees 600 m | 49.68 | 1.70 | 0.22 | |
Forest/ non-forest species | Shdi 1000 + Forest 1000 m | 44.20 | 0.00 | 0.56 |
Sca.trees 600 m | 45.87 | 1.67 | 0.24 | |
Forest species | Shdi 1000 | 36.16 | 0.00 | 0.36 |
Shdi 600 | 36.59 | 0.43 | 0.29 | |
Null | 36.89 | 0.73 | 0.25 | |
Insectivorous | Null | 51.83 | 0.00 | 0.57 |
Frugivorous | Sca.trees 600 m | 21.96 | 0.00 | 0.52 |
Shdi 1000 + Forest 1000 m | 22.89 | 0.93 | 0.33 | |
Omnivorous | Sca.trees 1000 m | 46.48 | 0.00 | 0.78 |
Granivorous | Null | 33.26 | 0.00 | 1.00 |
The assemblage richness variation in the bird survey plots, as well as the relative abundance variation of frugivores, were both better explained by the matrix permeability exerted by scattered trees around the plots (i.e. 600 m radius). At the larger scale (i.e., 1000 m), the landscape diversity and native forest amount have the most influence on the assemblage richness and frugivore abundance in the plots. In contrast, species able to occur in both habitats (i.e., forest-non-forest species) have their relative abundance better explained by the landscape diversity and native forest amount at the larger (1000 m) scale, while permeability exerted by scattered trees was important at the smaller (600 m) scale. For omnivores, the model that included scattered trees at the large scale was the best at explaining omnivores’ relative abundance variation (Table
Using bird assemblage data, the NMDS analysis resulted in a complete separation of sugarcane and pasture (Fig.
Although some of our ecological groups did not have consistent models, the NMDS graph indicated that forest species occurred most often in regions with many scattered trees and high landscape diversity, as in bird survey plots in pasture matrix (i.e., P1 and P2A), and least in areas with high levels of forest cover, as in bird survey plots in sugarcane matrix (i.e., SC2E and SC1C, see Fig.
Species richness patterns in the bird assemblages herein studied were explained by the landscape features of the pasture and sugarcane plots. Our results confirm that heterogeneous agricultural landscapes promote the occurrence of a higher variety of species representing different ecological functions (e.g.,
Higher occurrence of forest species (i.e., F, F-A, F-NF species) in pasture was also observed in
The prevalence of insectivorous, omnivorous and granivorous species in our survey plots resembles their occurrence pattern observed in other tropical anthropogenic landscapes (e.g.,
Our research contributes to two aspects of bird conservation in agricultural landscapes. Firstly, these results contribute to the debate on how best to balance agricultural production and maintenance of biodiversity. In recent decades two concepts have emerged: ‘land sparing’ and ‘land sharing’. Land sparing advocates propose crop intensification in high yield in extended areas, while sparing relatively large tracts of land for biodiversity conservation (e.g., large and aggregated reserves of natural habitat) (see
Although our studied landscapes have not experienced significant changes in the amount of sugarcane and pastures throughout the years (
The second contribution of our findings goes in filling the knowledge gap regarding which species may occur in pasture and sugarcane matrices, which is useful for landscape ecologists. Bird usage of anthropogenic landscapes is extremely complex. Some birds require vital resources (i.e., food supply, water source, substrate and viable territory for nesting) that are found in different land use types and structural elements that are present in anthropogenic landscapes (e.g.,
As a final message, bird conservation concern is not focused only on current threatened species, but it should ensure that common species today will stay common in the future (
We thank all of the landowners who allowed our access to their property. We thank Maísa Ziviani Alves, Rafaela Pereira Naves, Eimi Arikawa and Vanessa Oliveira for help in the statistical analysis. This research was performed in the Wildlife Ecology, Management and Conservation Lab (LEMaC) of the Forest Science Department and “Luiz de Queiroz” College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo (Brazil) and the Department of Biology, University of Utah (USA), and we thank them for their support. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for the fruitful suggestions in our manuscript. This work was supported by FAPESP (Processes 2010/05343-5, 2011/06782-5, 2014/14925-9, 2016/17305-7). Katia M.P.M.B. Ferraz is funded by Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq/Brazil) research grant (process 308503/2014-7).
Procedures used for the land use map building; details about the landscapes variables; rarefaction curves; Pearson´s correlation; full sampled species list
Data type: methodology
Sequence of GLM run and model selection
Data type: statistical data