Alive specimens photographed by the local people between 2014 and 2016 in private areas located on the Central Cordillera of Colombia. None of the animals were kept captive. A. Caluromys derbianus. B. Didelphis pernigra, C. Dasypus novemcinctus, D. Choloepus hoffmanni, E. Glossophaga cf. soricina, F. Nasuella olivacea, G. Nasua nasua, H. Cerdocyon thous, I. Cub of Leopardus tigrinus, J. Potos flavus with scabies, K. Mazama rufina, L. Syntheosciurus granatensis, M. Dasyprocta punctata, N. Coendou rufescens, O. Sylvilagus cf. salentus.

  Part of: Terán-Sánchez S, Díaz-Arango A, Arias-Monsalve HF, Ramírez-Chaves HE (2021) New records of mammals of the Coffee Region, Central Andes of Colombia using citizen science. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 16(1): 27-43.