Overview of study site located in Ituverava, northeastern state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. A) Study area as seen by a satellite image (Map data GoogleEarth, obtained on April 23, 2013), the yellow bar is equivalent to 100 m; B) Typical Cerrado vegetation on the lake shore of the study area; C) Individuals of Physalaemus cuvieri before nest building; D) A foam nest of Physalaemus cuvieri in the study area.

  Part of: Rodrigues CL, da Silva TB, Klein W, dos Santos Fernandes M (2020) Analysis of abiotic factors associated with foam nests of Cuvier’s foam froglet (Physalaemus cuvieri) in southeastern Brazil. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 15(4): 675-688. https://doi.org/10.3897/neotropical.15.e57804