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André Lincoln B. Magalhães, Luis Artur V. Bezerra, Vanessa S. Daga, Fernando M. Pelicice, Jean R. S. Vitule, Marcelo F. G. Brito (2021)
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André Lincoln Barroso Magalhães, Eneida Maria Eskinazi-Sant’Anna, Mário Luís Orsi, Dilermando Pereira Lima Junior, Jean Ricardo Simões Vitule, Fernando Mayer Pelicice (2023)
From the pond to the creek many years ago: life-history dynamics of feral poeciliids in Brazil.
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Ornamental aquaculture as a pathway for the introduction of non-native fish in coastal drainage of northeastern Brazil.
Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia35: .
DOI: 10.1590/s2179-975x3722
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