Tamandua tetradactyla recorded in the southern part of Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador: a) Melanistic individual recorded in a camera trap placed in the surroundings of the San Luis waterfall; b) An individual with yellowish coloration observed during the monitoring, photo: HC; c) Melanistic individual observed in the Loja – La Balsa E682 road, photo: E. Moreno; d) road-killed melanistic specimen photographed in the E45 road in Limón Indanza, Morona Santiago, photo: C. Jara

  Part of: Ríos-Alvear G, Cadena-Ortiz H (2019) Records of melanistic Tamandua tetradactyla (Pilosa, Myrmecophagidae) from Ecuador. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 14(3): 339-347. https://doi.org/10.3897/neotropical.14.e37714