Melina J. Rodriguez-Muñoz, Graciela M. Blanco, Juan Carlos Acosta, Tomás A. Martínez (2021)
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Surviving in the urban jungle: The role of foam nests as thermal insulator in Pleurodema borellii (anura: Leptodactylidae).
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Cristiano Lúcio Rodrigues, Thiago Borges da Silva, Wilfried Klein, Marcelo dos Santos Fernandes (2020)
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Rodrigo Alfredo Nieva Cocilio, Juan Carlos Acosta, Graciela Mirta Blanco, Lia Elena Piaggio Kokot (2021)
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John Gould (2021)
Safety Bubbles: A Review of the Proposed Functions of Froth Nesting among Anuran Amphibians.
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