Presence of wild boar in protected areas separated by category of use or Biome. Presence or absence of wild boar in Protected Areas separated by (A) category of use or (B) by Biome, together with the presence or absence of control actions. In A orange colors refer to Strictly Protected Areas (SP), yellow refers to Sustainable Use Areas (SU), and gray groups the two categories. In B green colors refer to Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests (Forests), yellow colors refer to Tropical and Subtropical Grasslands, Savannas and Shrublands (Grasslands), and the gray color groups the two biomes.

  Part of: Etges MF, Guadagnin DL, Kindel A (2023) Managing invasive wild boars in Southern Brazil’s protected areas: Challenges and strategies. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 18(4): 231-250.